________________________________________ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For more information, contact: David J. Ferrero Zion Software & Consulting. 56D Nanel Drive Glastonbury, CT 06033 USA tel: 203-659-4257 fax: 203-657-3542 email: palette@zion.com ****** AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY ****** _______________________________________ Zion Software & Consulting ships ZionDECView - Palettized Terminal Emulation Glastonbury, Conn., September 8, 1994 - Zion Software & Consulting announced the release of ZionDECView, MAB terminal emulation palette and objectware for applications needing VT100/VT102 and ANSI Color terminal support. Summary: Zion's ZionDECView.palette, libZionDECView.a, and associated files provide the building blocks for any custom or commercial NEXTSTEP applications utilizing either VT100/VT102 or ANSI terminal emulation. Whether the application needs a command line interface in addition to the NEXTSTEP GUI, or the application is an intermediate step while moving legacy applications to a Client/Server (NEXTSTEP) environment, Zion's palettized terminal emulation objectware will fit the bill. You don't have to throw away your valuable data and supporting mainframe or mini software just because your company is migrating towards client/server. With objectware such as Zion's ZionDECView, your developers can begin building custom terminal based software in a GUI environment, or allow existing software to be accessed from your NEXTSTEP environment. Why redevelop and debug terminal emulation code when your application can take advantage of Zion's efforts within minutes? PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS Palette Inspector support ------------------------- Window Size: Columns, Rows. Screen Colors Enabled, Background, Foreground, Cursor Color. Scrollback Buffer Enabled, Length, Scroll to the bottom on input. Fixed pitch font to use. Copy support: Ascii. Paste support: Ascii. Find support: Next, Previous, Case, Jump to selection. Font Panel support: Fixed Pitch. Terminal Emulation ------------------ DEC VT102/VT100, ANSI Color VT100/102 Function Key support: PF1-4 keys are emulated via the 4 top keys on the number-key-pad. Cursor Key / Application Mode support: Full cursor key and keypad emulation for applications using the proper escape sequences. Pricing The suggested retail price for developer licenses is as follows: $995 - 1 developer license $1595 - 3 developer licenses $1995 - 5 developer licenses Licensing All licensed developers will receive free email support, and limited phone support. A developer license code fully enables this palette for custom application development and authorizes the right to purchase additional run-time licenses. Each developer license comes with a complementary run-time license. Deploy finished applications which utilize Zion's ZionDECView by purchasing additional Run-Time Licenses from Zion as needed. Developer and run-time site licensing for Zion's ZionDECView palette and objectware is available. For commercial applications which include ZionDECView, Zion offers a discount on the run-time licensing fees. Please contact Zion for further information. AVAILABILITY: ZionDECView is available on NEXTSTEP Internet sites such as cs.orst.edu, or may be obtained via NEXTMAIL, Floppy, or Modem for sites without ftp access. Please contact Zion in this situation. It can be found as: ZionDECViewPalette.tar.gz - objectware folder with ColorTerm example. ZionDECViewPalette.README - this file. About the company: Zion Software and Consulting is based in Glastonbury, Connecticut and was founded in September 1992. Zion specializes in Custom and Commercial Software Development and consulting with the NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP environment. Other shipping products include: ** MTP - Midi Time Piece Configuration application for MTP/Midi NeXT users. ** TeleComm - inexpensive/robust modem software with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation, x,y,zmodem file transfer. ** Checkers - NEXTSTEP Checkers with full undo and game save! ZionDECView and TeleComm are trademarks of Zion Software & Consulting. NEXTSTEP && OPENSTEP are registered trademarks of NeXT Computer, Inc. VT102 and VT100 are registered trademarks of Digital Equipment Corp. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.